Friday, July 10, 2015

Next Day Blues

I bet you thought I was going to say I have the blues, but no! I'm wearing blue. I'm on my way to see my grandson, whom I've not seen in almost 5 years and I'm taking my granddaughter and other grandson with me. We are going to a Children's Museum that looks like great fun. If I remember, I'll take pictures of my favorite things for posting.
Now on to more important things. Have you ever considered which day is your favorite day of the week? I'm sure you have. Lots of people I know like Sundays. Personally, I don't care for Sundays much. The only excuse I accept for liking Sunday is "It's my only day off!" I can sympathize and if you are a church-goer, then you don't really have a day off because going to church is still work even if it is a work of love.
I remember all those Sunday mornings getting up early when I could have been sleeping late. Getting dressed in my best clothes and wearing shoes that never quite got broken in enough to be comfortable was a pain in more ways than one. Then my grandmother would fuss if I got hot and sweaty or dribbled something from breakfast on my lap. These are really wonderful memories now. I remember them well even though I only got to enjoy my grandmother until I was seven years old. I remember hearing her play the piano a couple of times at church when the regular pianist was sick. Funny thing was, she had never taken lessons, I'm told. As I grow older, surpassing even her age when she passed away, I wonder if I will get to see her on the other side and I wonder if she will remember me.
After my grandmother passed, I continued going to church and Sunday school for several years, learning how to be a good Christian.
I absorbed everything like a sponge until one day I was sitting in church at about the age of 24 and the preacher said something so off the wall, I could no longer believe what he was preaching. I was shocked and stunned and confused for several years and stopped attending church altogether. I did send my children because I wanted them to have some sort of basic foundation in faith and religion.
When I was in my thirties, I began studying religions in general. Sampling, I guess you could say.
I attended Catechism classes until they wanted money to annul and old marriage that lasted a mere 3 months. I couldn't take communion until I paid up, so I became disillusioned with Catholicism.
I moved on from their to Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islamism, Taoism, Episcopaleanism and a bunch of other isms including Rosicrucianism, Masonism and Ismism.
One day at work I had a sudden epiphany. I realized that the common thread in all these isms is the immortality of life. Life is not understood by the human psyche. It is impossible to see your own eyes and a reflection is only a reflection.
Why was I trying to find the secret of immortality when I was already immortal?
Doesn't matter if you're naughty or nice, fat or skinny, ugly or beautiful, we all share one thing in common and that is the spark of light and life that comes from the divine, but much maligned and much misunderstood Universal Life Force.
It was a great day and I've never been the same since. If you are looking for immortality, you can stop searching. You are already there and you don't need an Ism to tell you how to live. The knowledge of good and evil is in your heart. All you have to do is listen to it and set yourself free.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Starting Over... again

I decided to blog a new post to my Wordpress blog site today. That was 3 hours ago. After much hyperspace anquish, I discovered that my blog has been suspended through no fault of my own. Well, that's not quite accurate. I didn't pay my annual premium to Wordpress for the Blog site, which apparently doesn't set well with them.
Instead, I found it easier to simply start a new blog with an old friend, Blogger. Used to be Blogspot, I believe. So anyway, here I am. The problem is, of course, I forgot what I was going to blog about.
That being said, I find myself in a quandary. Do I simply keep writing and typing random words and phrases until I remember my original thought; or do I stop here, post as is and come back later? It would probably behoove me (I like that word, behoove) to stop before things go awry and come back when I remember something important to say. Thank you for your kind attention. Comments are always welcome.
PS: This photo is my dad from 1952 when he was in the army and has absolutely nothing to do with this blog; however, I think it is an awesome photograph of him. I remember my mom being a devout Elvis Presley fan, and I thought for a long time that my dad was actually Elvis Presley. You can see the resemblance, right? Another reason I posted this pic is because my son-in-law bought me a new Dell computer, which is also awesome, and this is the only picture I've uploaded to it so far. Both are excellent excuses. Thank you.